Court Case

USA v. Fahi, Alturo, et al.

April 2022
Miami, FL
Drug Trafficking

Miami federal prosecutors have charged British Virgin Islands (BVI) Premier Andrew Alturo Fahie, Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority Oleanvine Pickering Maynard (O. Maynard), and the Port Director's son, Kadeem Stephan Maynard (K. Maynard) with cocaine trafficking and money laundering conspiracies for agreeing to facilitate the safe passage through BVI ports of tons of Colombian cocaine headed to Miami. In exchange, the defendants would make millions, which would be funneled through different businesses and bank accounts to hide the money's source. During March and April, Fahie, O. Maynard, and K. Maynard participated in a series of meetings with the purported drug trafficker to broker the deal. Fahie and O. Maynard would secure required licenses, shield the cocaine-filled boats while in BVI's ports, and grease the palm of a potentially problematic government official. They discussed bringing 3,000 kilograms of cocaine through a BVI port as a test run, followed by 3,000 kilograms once or twice a month for four months. Fahie and O. Maynard would get a percentage of the cocaine's sales – millions of dollars, it is alleged.

Case Documents