Court Case

USA v. DES International Co., Ltd., et al.

October 2020
Washington, DC

[DDC] Taiwan business organization DES International Co., Ltd. ("DES"), and Brunei business organization Soltech Industry Co., Ltd. ("Soltech"), each pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the United States and to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations. The two companies were each sentenced to pay a fine of $83,769, which is three times the value of the goods unlawfully exported to Iran, and to serve a five-year term of corporate probation. According to the plea agreement documents, DES and Soltech, which were affiliated with one another by virtue of common directors, employees, and customers, both procured goods from the United States for the benefit of Iranian government entities and business organizations. In particular, a sales agent for both DES and Soltech helped an Iranian research center obtain U.S. goods without a license from the Department of the Treasury. These goods included a power amplifier designed for use in electromechanical devices as well as cybersecurity software. The companies' sales agent took steps to conceal the U.S. origin of the goods, including by removing serial number stickers with the phrase "Made in USA" from packages, and by causing the cybersecurity software to be downloaded onto a computer outside of Iran. In addition, the sales agent shared developments regarding this illegal conduct with other employees and directors of DES and Soltech.

Case Documents