Court Case

USA v. Shalabi, Abdul Jabbar Naji

December 2019
Ypsilanti, MI

[EDMI] In December 2019, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit seeking to revoke the naturalized United States citizenship of Abdul Jabbar Naji Shalabi, who allegedly concealed from U.S. immigration authorities his provision of material support to the terrorist organization Hamas by twice concealing bomb-making materials on behalf of a known Hamas bomb maker. According to the Department's civil complaint, Shalabi, a native of Jordan, was convicted in Israel of providing such support to the terrorist organization. The complaint alleged that, throughout his naturalization proceedings, Shalabi concealed both his provision of support to Hamas and his Israeli conviction. In August 2020, the court revoked Jaber's citizenship for illegally procuring his citizenship by failing to meet the continuous residence requirement.

Case Documents