Court Case

US v. Randall Todd Royer, et al.

June 2003
Alexandria, VA
Lashkar eTaiba

[EDVA] Virginia "Paintball Jihad" Case. Royer and co-conspirators were found guilty of firearms violations and conspiracy to contribute material support to the terrorist group Lashkar e Taiba. Royer was sentenced to 20 years in prison. In July 2018, the judge ordered the release of Seifullah Chapman, another defendant in the case who was serving a 65-year sentence for traveling to Pakistan to train with Lashkar-e-Taiba. The judge's ruling said that Chapman's actions did not constitute "crimes of violence" and reflected an earlier recent SCOTUS decision against a law that allowed deportation of some immigrants who commit crimes. The law was unconstitutionally vague regarding crimes that would prompt deportation, the decision said.

Case Documents