Court Case

US v. Mustafa, Kamel Mustafa

April 2004
Bly, OR
Al Qaeda

[SDNY] Kamel Mustafa (a.k.a Abu Hamza al-Masri), was extradited from the U.K. to the U.S. on charges he conspired to support Al Qaeda by trying to set up a terrorist training camp in 1999 in Bly, Oregon. He is also accused of helping abduct two American tourists and 14 others in Yemen in 1998. Hamza was convicted on 11 terrorism charges that included charges based on participation in hostage-taking in Yemen, support for the establishment of a terrorist training camp in the United States, and the facilitation of violent jihad in Afghanistan. In January 2015, Hamza was sentenced to life imprisonment. Mustafa is appealing against his conviction. Court papers filed in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals state that militants called Hamza four days prior to 9/11 warning, "Something very big will happen very soon." The filings also said that Hamza acted as an agent for MI5 and Special Branch under the code name "Damson Berry."

Case Documents