Court Case

USA v. Nabil Al-Marabh

December 2001
Boston, MA
Al Qaeda

[WDNY] Nabil al-Marabh, a Boston cabdriver, engaged in weapons training in Afghanistan. He also worked for the Muslim World League in the early 1990s, then an important source of al Qaeda's funds. He worked at the same Boston cab company as Mohammed Elzahabi, Raed Hijazi, and Bassam Kanj, who together constituted the Boston Al Qaeda cell. Federal investigators have also tied al-Marabh to 9/11 hijackers Ahmed al-Ghamdi and Satam al-Suqami. Al-Marabh was arrested in Chicago in September 2001 on a parole violation related to the stabbing of a man who had lived in his apartment. In 2002, he pled guilty to conspiracy to smuggle an alien into the United States and was ordered deported.

Case Documents