Court Case

USA v. Zazi, Najibullah, et al.

September 2009
New York, NY
Al Qaeda

[EDNY] Najibullah Zazi, Mohammed Wali Zazi, and Ahmad Afzali have been charged by criminal complaint with knowingly and willfully making false statements to the FBI in a matter involving international and domestic terrorism. Najibullah Zazi admitted to receiving training in weapons and explosives at an al Qaeda training camp in Pakistan and had notes on his laptop computer on making bombs. Najibullah Zazi was later indicted for conspiracy to use explosives against persons or property in the United States. His father Mohammed Zazi was making a false statement involving national and international terrorism. Prosecutors allege that Zazi traveled with two other men, Adis Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay, to Pakistan. In November 2012, Adis Medunjanin was sentenced to life in prison in connection with the plot. An appeals court has upheld the conviction. In December 2012, Najibullah Zazi's cousin, Amanullah Zazi, was sentenced to 40 months in prison for introducing his cousin to an imam connected with Al Qaeda and destroying evidence of his cousin's involvement in the plot.

Case Documents