Court Case

USA v. Omar, Mahamud Said

August 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Al Shabaab

[DMN] Mahamud Said Omar, a Somali citizen who was granted permanent U.S. resident status in 1994, provided money to young men to travel from Minneapolis to Somalia to train with and fight for al-Shabaab. Omar also allegedly visited an al-Shabaab safe-house and provided hundreds of dollars to fund the purchase of AK-47 rifles for men from Minneapolis. A federal indictment charged Omar with terrorism offences, including providing financial assistance as well as personnel to terrorists and foreign terrorist organizations. Omar was arrested in the Netherlands in November 2009 and later extradited to the U.S. In October 2012, Omar was founding guilty of providing support to al-Shabaab.

Related Topics: Prosecutions, Terror Financing

Case Documents