Court Case

USA v. Saade, Maroun, et al.

February 2011
Manhattan, NY

[SDNY] Defendants-- Maroun Saade, Walid Nasr, Francis Sourou Ahissou, Cornielle Dato, and Martin Raouf Bouraima, Alwar Pouryan, and Oded Orbach—were charged in a narco-terrorism conspiracy that involved moving significant quantities of Taliban-owned heroin through West Africa to be subsequently sold for profit to customers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. In addition, Saade and Pouryan, who are Americans citizens, were also charged with attempting to sell surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and other lethal weapons to the Taliban. The weapons were to be used to defend Taliban-run heroin laboratories against a U.S. attack in Afghanistan.

Related Topics: Prosecutions, Terror Financing

Case Documents