Court Case

Shatsky, Shabtai Scott, et al. v. The Syrian Arab Republic, et al.

November 2002
, United States
Palestinian Authority

[DDC] A federal judge ordered a memo linking the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the killing of two American teenagers in Israel returned or destroyed after defense lawyers representing the PA claimed it was "privileged and protected" information. Court records show the document was accidentally handed over to lawyers suing the PA for $300 million on behalf of the teens' parents and reveals a "close relationship" between the bomber and a captain in the Palestinian Authority security forces who planned the terror attack. The two-page memo, written in April 2012 by Maj. Ziad Abu Hamid of the PA's General Intelligence Service, details "at least six other critical facts" about the 2002 bombing and "clearly establishes the defendants' material support and liability."

Related Topics: Civil suits, Terror Financing

Case Documents