Court Case

USA v. Tounisi, Abdella Ahmad

April 2013
Aurora, IL
Jabhat al-Nusrah

[NDIL] Abdella Ahmad Tounisi was arrested at O'Hare International Airport with a ticket to fly to Turkey, where authorities said he planned to meet a handler who would take him to war-torn Syria. Prosecutors allege he posted messages on a phony website set up by the FBI about his plans to fight with Jabhat al-Nusrah, identified by authorities as a terror group in Syria linked to al-Qaida. In August 2015, Tounisi pleaded guilty to charges he attempted to travel overseas and join the Jabhat al-Nusrah in Syria. Tounisi was sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempting to joinh Jabhat al-Nusrah in Syria.

Case Documents