Court Case

USA v. Ftouhi, Amor M.

June 2017
Flint, MI
Al Qaeda

[EDMI] Amor M. Ftouhi of Montreal, Canada, who was previously indicted in July 2017, for charges relating to an attack on a Bishop Airport officer in Flint, Michigan, was charged in a superseding indictment in March 2018 with an additional offense of committing an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries. Ftouhi entered the United States from Canada for the purpose of killing government personnel in the United States. In June 2017, Ftouhi walked up to a police officer with the Bishop Airport Authority and stabbed him in the neck with a knife. Ftouhi referenced killings in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and yelled "Allahu Akbar." After his arrest, Ftouhi told law enforcement that he was a "soldier of Allah" and subscribed to the ideology of al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. He was sentenced to life for committing act of terrorism transcending national boundaries and other offenses.

Case Documents