Court Case

USA v. Alameti, Fabjan

April 2019 (Updated August 28, 2019)
Bozeman, MT
Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)

[DMT] Fabjan Alameti of Bronx, NY, was arrested at a shooting range in Bozeman, Montana, and charged with possession of a firearm by unlawful user of a controlled substance and with making false statements involving international terrorism. In encrypted text message conversations with a government informant, Alameti confided he had been considering conducting an attack on a U.S. government building, gay club, Jewish temple, or U.S. Army recruiting center, but believed that it would be difficult to carry out such an attack because guns are hard to obtain in New York. Alameti later stated that he would not conduct an attack in the United States because the United States had allowed him to live in the country and granted him citizenship and instead stated he developed a new plan to join ISIS abroad. He pleaded guilty to two counts of false statements to a federal officer in a matter involving international terrorism.

Case Updates

2019-08-28 | New York City Man Admits to Making False Statements Involving International Terrorism

Fabjan Alameti, a New York City resident who was arrested at a Bozeman shooting range, pleaded guilty Aug. 28 to charges of making false statements involving international terrorism to the FBI. Alameti used a Facebook account and communicated with others that he wanted to travel overseas and fight for ISIS because he wanted to die a martyr's death. He also communicated with others about targeting people in the United States and identified targets as gay night clubs, a federal building and an Army recruiting center.

Case Documents