Infocom Search-26 Video C

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Video Recording

002-0151 Video C

Group: [UI] from the aggressor,
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
[UI] see
Has youth [UI] sacrificing blood,
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
Our souls [UI] on the land
Our souls [UI] the Jews, [UI] time
Our souls [UI] on the land
Our souls [UI] Jews, [UI] time
And our [UI] what is right [UI] to victory [UI]
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh,
UM: Where is Abu Yasir, where is he?
Chanter: Children carry out jihad, and do not
quit, O my extorted right, nothing will confirm
it, Except your machine gun, O son of HAMAS.
Group: [shouting] God is Great.
Chanter/GR: Our children, with our stones, are
carrying out jihad against our enemies. Our
children, with our stones, are carrying out
jihad against our enemies.
Chanter: They confront with their chests, and
with their hands they receive
Group: They confront with their chests, and with
their hands they receive
Chanter: They confront with their chests, and
with their hands they receive
Group: They confront with their chests, and with
their hands they receive
Chanter: A barricade in every street, a
slingshot like cannons
Group: A barricade in every street, a slingshot
like cannons. A barricade in every street, a
slingshot like cannons,
Chanter: The legend of our time; our children.
Chanter/Group: Our children, with our stones
they are carrying out jihad against our enemies.
Chanter: Our children confront, and with their
chests they defy.
Group: Our children confront, and with their
chests they defy,
Chanter/Group: Our children confront, and with
their chests they defy,
Chanter: The defy [UI], with deeds not words.
Group: The defy not talk, with deeds not words.
The defy and not talk, with deeds not words.

Chanter: They defy not talk, with kidnaping not
Group: They defy not talk, with kidnaping not words
Chanter: We sacrifice our lives for you, our
children, our children
Chanter/Group: Our children, with our stones,
are carrying out jihad against our enemies.
Chanter: O, you ascetics of the nights, you made
the occupation spin.
Group: O, you ascetics of the nights, you made
the occupation spin,
Chanter/Group: O, you ascetics of the nights,
you made the occupation spin,
Chanter: Confrontations everyday, defying the
patrols. Confrontations everyday, defying the
Chanter: Confrontations everyday, defying the
patrols. Confrontations everyday, defying the
Chanter: We sacrifice our lives for you, our
Group: Our children, our children, with our
stones, are carrying out jihad against our
Chanter: Let the banner fly, and let the soul
yearn for paradise,
Group: Let the banner fly, and let the soul yearn
for paradise,
Chanter: Let the banner fly, and let the soul
yearn for paradise,
Group: Let the banner fly, and let the soul yearn
for paradise,
Chanter: The beautiful women call, "come on, O
Group: The beautiful women call, "come on, O
The beautiful women call..
