Mahdi Bray: A Sampler

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In his role as executive director of the Muslim American Society's Freedom Foundation, Mahdi Bray often offers incendiary rhetoric at rallies and speeches, in addition to his defense of known radicals and accused terror supporters. The following excerpts provide a glimpse into Bray's style and radical ideology.


December 30, 2008, Gaza rally, Washington, DC

"We're here to tell Bush and the Crime Minister of Israel, and Mubarak, and all of them that we are determined that Palestine WILL BE FREE!"

March 21, 2009, March on the Pentagon

"We say no more! I hope your stocks plummet to the ground. I hope it goes in the toilet. I hope your stock just goes to hell. The justice, and the peace, and the humanity and the solidarity that we have with the Palestinian people, the solidarity we have with the people of Iraq, and Afghanistan, Pakistan."

August 12, 2008, AMA Civil Rights Forum: The Case of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, Washington, DC

"Let us fight and with every ounce of our being to secure that liberty and the justice for our brother – Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a freedom fighter."

January 10, 2009, Washington, DC Gaza rally

"We say to the people of the Gaza: You are not alone. Allah is on your side, and the people of Allah are on your side, and the people around the world are on your side."

October 28, 2000, Rally at Lafayette Park with Abdurahman Alamoudi

Abdurahman Alamoudi speaks as Bray cheers him on:

Anybody supports Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"].
Anybody is a supporter of Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!". Mahdi Bray on stage nods and raises his arms in approval].
Anybody is a supporter of Hamas here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"].
Hear that, Bill Clinton, we are all supporters of Hamas, Allahu Akbar. [Crowd responds].
I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hizballah. Anybody supports Hizballah here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"]
Anybody supports Hizballah here?
[Crowd cheers, "Yes!"]
[Crowd: "Allahu Ahkbar!"].
[Crowd: "Allahu Ahkbar!"
