Warith Deen Umar: Homosexuality and Hurricane Katrina

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During the 2009 Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention, Imam Warith Deen Umar spoke about his books, Jews for Salaam: The Straight Path to Global Peace, and Judaiology. Umar, the former head of New York prisons' Muslim chaplain program, repeatedly described Jewish conspiracies to control the world. In a digression, he discussed homosexuality, implying that modern tragedies were a response to it.


"That's homosexuality any way you paint it. It's against the laws of Allah and against the laws of the Bible for homosexuality. And if you think the Quran talks about harsh punishment from Allah, you should read what the Bible says. I don't have time to go into it, but it's in my book. The Bible is very hard on, he says, Allah says that the land itself is doomed. You wonder why things are happening in America the way they're happening? You think that Katrina was just a blow of wind?"
