More Crazy Conspiracy Theories From Salah Sultan

Ohio blogger Patrick Poole found an interesting interview a former local community leader recently gave to the Muslim Brotherhood-linked IslamOnline website. In it, Salah Sultan blames American Jews for killing President Kennedy.

Poole points out that Sultan also blames U.S. officials for the 9/11 attacks, saying they were planned "in order to enable the US to control and terrorize the entire world."

The posting has more about Sultan's prominence and community support in the Columbus area.

Sultan, who left the U.S. for Bahrain last year, came to Columbus as a research director for the Islamic Society of Greater Columbus and was religious director of a private religious school there.

The interview with IslamOnline was about the role U.S. Muslims can play in this election year. He falsely claims there are 8-10 million American Muslims, a figure higher than even the most generous estimates normally put forth by national advocacy groups. But he uses the figure to argue that, despite the numbers, Jewish money dictates American politics and "whomever wins becomes accountable to them," Sultan said.

That's when the Kennedy conspiracy comes in:

"Mr. Paul Findley's book "Silent No More" says that President Kennedy in his second elections had a shaky stand, and accordingly a man responsible for 300 Jewish organizations proposing to fund all his campaign on one condition which was to place the keys of foreign policy in his hands, and Kennedy refused such proposal. The result was the assassination of John Kennedy."

Poole notes that Sultan was hailed as "one of America's most-noted Muslim scholars" and as a moderate in local media.

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