Heeding the Lessons of HLF's Evidence

The significance of the 108 guilty verdicts in the Hamas-support trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) merits far more attention than it has generated.

The investigation not only cut off a source of millions of dollars to the terrorist group and its social arms, it exposed a disturbing and shockingly sophisticated network of Muslim Brotherhood front groups which have successfully infiltrated the American "mainstream."

Dallas Morning News editorial writer Rod Dreher is accentuating the latter point in two recent posts. In one, Dreher republishes a speech from last spring by Husain Haqqani, who since has become Pakistan's ambassador to the United States. Haqqani spelled out the process envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood for its followers to employ to enhance Islam politically in America.

"The last principle relates to how the strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood has been operationalized in the United States. According to the seventh principle, the Brotherhood should function as a teacher, and guide the whole world."

In a follow-up, Dreher emphasizes this internal Muslim Brotherhood strategy memo unveiled in the HLF trial. It lays out the role of the Muslim Brother in America as "a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and `sabotaging' their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all religions."

Dreher urges that this memo, which is less than 20 years old, should be taken seriously despite its far-fetched sounding agenda:

"It sounds like a conspiracy theory out of a bad Hollywood movie -- but it's real. Husain Haqqani, head of Boston University's Center for International Relations and a former Islamic radical, confirms that the Brotherhood "has run most significant Muslim organizations in the U.S." as part of the plan outlined in the strategy paper."

That's what the evidence showed, too. Check the last page of this link, too.

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