While We're Talking CAIR…

We're not alone in wondering why reporters and editors ignore the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)'s well-documented roots in the Muslim Brotherhood when writing about the group. Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs notes the government-financed Voice of America offered a story on CAIR's national banquet that could have been written by a public relations firm.

The story makes no mention to CAIR's status as unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial or to evidence showing CAIR's place in a Hamas-support structure. Instead, it cites Executive Director Nihad Awad's call for President-elect Barack Obama "to pursue a less-militaristic policy in the Muslim world and to open his administration to the ideas and talents of Muslim-Americans."

It is beyond question that Awad participated in a 1993 meeting called by Hamas activists and supporters to discuss ways to derail U.S.-led peace efforts between Israel and Palestinians. His name is included among members of a "Palestine Committee" created by the Brotherhood to help Hamas politically and financially. (See name 32 on page 4 here)

Johnson suggests: "Maybe it's time to rename `Voice of America' to `Voice of Hamas Front Groups.'"

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