Canada's Unbelievable Immigration Panelist

A political activist wants Hamas and Hizballah removed from lists of terrorist organizations, to be replaced by the Israeli army, and he ..

That guy spent 11 years helping Canadian officials decide which immigrants merited entry into their country. The unbelievable circumstance involving Khaled Mouammar is detailed by John Ivison in a National Post column.

"No details are available on how many refugees Mr. Mouammar waved through the Canadian system, although one immigration lawyer who remembers him from his IRB days says he was known to have a 'very high' acceptance rate. Board members typically have sole discretion over whether to admit a refugee claimant."

Mouammar also is president of the Canadian Arab Federation. He considers Hamas and Hizballah to be "legitimate political parties" while Israel is guilty of genocide. Ivison wonders how this squares with the Immigration and Refugee Board's code of conduct. It requires members to conserve and enhance the organization's "integrity, objectivity and impartiality."

Appointments to the Refugee Board have been amended, officials say, but Ivison suggests "It might not be a bad idea to dust off some of those old files and see who did get into the country while Mr. Mouammar worked at the IRB."

That's putting it lightly.

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