Is U.S. Aid Indirectly Benefitting Hizballah?

There's a disturbing report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that recent Lebanese crackdowns on Israeli intelligence cells has been "apparently aided by American training and equipment."

To be clear, the U.S. is not coordinating with Lebanon in the crackdown, which has resulted in the arrests of 17 people allegedly sending information about Hizballah to Israel. Better training and better equipment for Lebanese security is credited with helping break the cells. Those improvements were advanced by $1 billion in American aid since 2006, the story says, "including $410 million in security assistance to the Lebanese military and police."

According to Haaretz:

"Hezbollah-controlled Al-Manar television reported that the suspects' job
was to collect information on potential targets such as the group's
installations and the homes of its leaders."

U.S aid to Lebanon is said to be up for review following next month's Lebanese elections. If there's any chance it is being used to benefit Hizballah, even indirectly, that support must be severed.

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