Muslim Convert Confesses to Plotting Attacks on American Targets In Germany

In the wake of a recent discussion regarding Germany's lackluster approach to cracking down on terrorism, the AHN news service reports that a convicted suspect confessed to plotting the bombing of US sites and citizens in Germany.

The accused, Fritz Gelowicz, 29, admitted to a Dusseldorf court that he and three accomplices wanted to commit a terrorist attack in Germany. The three others, who together with Gelowicz were caught by a police raid while making 700kg of explosives in a warehouse in 2007, are also being charged with being members of the Islamic Jihadic Union, a Pakistan based terrorist group. Gelowicz has said that he trained "for three months in the group's camp somewhere between Pakistan and Afghanistan," according to the AHN article.

Gelowicz, a German-born citizen who converted to Islam as a teenager, is the suspected leader of a 2007 plot by the Islamic Jihadic Union to perform a massive terrorist attack using hydrogen-peroxide explosives aimed at U.S. citizens

On Monday, Gelowicz told a judge that the planned attacks in 2007 are intended to serve as a final warning to the public before "a referendum to pull out [...] troops in Afghanistan." If convicted, the members of the dubbed "Sauerland cell" each face 10-15 years in prison with Daniel Schneider, a participant charged with attempted murder for pulling an officer's gun out of its holster in an escape attempt during the 2007 raid, possibly receiving as much as a life sentence.

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