Al-Quds Day Rally: Washington, D.C.
Compilation of Video and Audio Clips

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Video Recording

The Al-Quds Day rally held in downtown Washington, D.C. on September 18, 2009 featured speakers invoking hate speech and calling for the destruction of the State of Israel, including conspiracy theorist Mauri Saalakhan and terror supporter Afeef Khan. Flags of Hizballah, a tapestry with the image of Hassan Nasrallah and a flag with a swastika were on display.

Audience members held posters with radical slogans, including "Gaza = Auschwitz" and "Zionism benefited the most from 9/11". Following the rally, participants marched down Embassy Row repeating various chants shouted on a louder speaker, including: "Zionists, Hizballah is coming for you," "Israelis committing genocide, U.S. helping on the side" and "Cancer of the Middle East, Israel must not exist." The rally was organized by Faheem Darab, an employee of the Fairfax County (VA) Department of Zoning and Planning.

Transcript (in order by clip):

Afeef Khan:

"And this is what I mean. That if we want a positive, a secure and a just future for the Palestinians and in fact for all the people of the Middle East and for all the people of North Africa, we cannot get away from the fact that the solution begins with the complete destruction, the annihilation, and the utter dismemberment of the State of Israel."


Afeef Khan:

"Were it not for the state, there would be no lobbies all around the world sending money and arms to the State of Israel. Were it not for the state, all of these resources which are marshaled around the world to contribute to the injustice which comes out of that little country, that would not be possible. And so if you dismember the state, you dismember the world wide drug trade, the world wide trafficking of women, the world wide insecurity, the world wide financial crisis."


Afeef Khan:

"And that the head politician on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - who of us has the courage to say to this politician that are you a regular house negro or are you the quintessential house negro? Who of us has the courage when we couch our presentation in suggesting that the problem can be solved by the dismemberment of the State of Israel and the support that state receives from the United States?"
