Documentary Takes Viewers Inside Mumbai Attacks

HBO airs a documentary this week that takes viewers inside last year's horrific terrorist attacks in Mumbai. If it's anything close to what is described in the New York Post's preview, it is worth watching.

"Terror in Mumbai" includes details about the terrorist's communications during the attack that killed 164 people, including their handlers' urging them to kill more people and be sure that they die as martyrs when it's all done.

A child describes the scene at the Victoria train station, where his father, uncle and other relatives were among the dozens killed. The Post report also describes this scene:

"At Mumbai's Chabad House, a rabbi and his pregnant wife were shot at the instruction that any Jews killed were worth 50 times as much as anyone else. 'Just shoot them now,' the controller says, later adding impatiently: 'Go on! I'm listening. Do it.'"

Ten terrorists from the group Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out the attack. In other calls featured in the program, the handler tells a terrorist "Don't panic. For your mission to end successfully, you must be killed. God is waiting for you in heaven."

The program debuts Thursday evening and will be aired many times after that. For a schedule, click here.

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