Abdul Alim Musa's American (Bad) Dream

One of America's most extreme clerics has once again gone on Iranian English-language TV to proclaim the downfall of the United States.

On the latest episode of the television show, "American Dream," Abdul Alim Musa accuses the U.S. of being the "new neocolonial power," broken by its economic policies and on the decline like the Romans and the British. In explaining how U.S. imperialism is causing its decline, Musa stated:

"America is the last great colonial empire, and it wants to manipulate and control the world as it is, and that is causing, that is accelerating its own decline… America has always been on the ascendancy. If you have never had any defeat, you don't know what it looks like to be defeated. America is signing its own death warrant."

Musa also claimed that Osama bin Laden is a puppet creation of the United States. He compared the "manufacturing of Osama bin Laden" to Hitler's burning of the Reichstag:

"When Adolf Hitler was Chancellor in 1933, the Reichstag was burned and after that, he is the Fuhrer now, the absolute power. What is his mandate? To defend the Fatherland. Right. These people that we have in government today are in power, they want to maintain power by spreading fear amongst the people. It is our belief that the government will produce whatever it needs, as it has done historically, to have to stand up and say, 'I am spending all of this money, because of Al Qaeda.' Al Qaeda is a scapegoat."

Musa, who has admitted his previous criminal offenses as a drug dealer, further noted his contempt for the American judicial system which convicted him:

"The federal court and the lawyers there are the most criminal organization in the world. The federal courts of the United States!"

Musa's speeches present a reserved logic for international fanatics seeking to prove their conspiracy theories through an American Imam. Musa is also a magnet who provides justification for extremism among young Muslim converts, who are struggling for a place in America's changing cultural background.

Musa's growing popularity among young Muslims, including appearances on several campuses and at the Muslim Student Association – Persian Speaking Group, raises questions about the effect that his "theories" might have on young people. More information about Imam Musa can be found here and here.

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