Update – Pakistan Arrests Different American Al Qaeda Agent

Initial reports suggesting that the Pakistani government seized American-born Al Qaeda operative Adam "Azzam al-Amriki" Gadahn, have turned out to be false. Updated reports indicate that the Pakistani forces actually captured Abu Yahya Mujahideen Adam, a Pennsylvania native also fighting in the Al Qaeda-sponsored jihad in Pakistan. The initial confusion derives from the shared name de guerre, Abu Yahya, which both men adopted.

Although Abu Yahya Mujahideen Adam is not as influential a figure in the Al Qaeda leadership, his arrest is important in stopping American fighters in Pakistan. He was also arrested in Karachi, a Pakistani port where government forces have captured several other Mujahideen of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Pakistani officials also noted that Abu Yahya Mujahideen Adam has been transferred to Islamabad for interrogation, but provided no further details.

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