Video Emerges of Christmas Day Bomber in Training Camps

When he was interrogated by the FBI, the failed Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, said that there were "others like me" who would be sent to carry out similar attacks. Now, months after he attempted to set off a bomb on a Northwest Airlines jet, videos obtained by ABC News appear to back up his claims.

The videos, produced by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, show Abdulmutallab and others in his "training class" firing automatic weapons at targets including a Jewish Star of David, the British Union Jack, and the letters "UN."

A U.S. intelligence official told Newsweek that:

"The video was consistent with investigators' information that, while visiting Yemen beginning in roughly August 2009, ostensibly to learn Arabic, the former Nigerian student 'was in some type of training environment.'"

Abdulmutallab remains in the custody of U.S. law enforcement and is reported to be cooperating with attempts to identify the other men with whom he trained.

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