Note to Readers on our Redesign

We've made some changes. The Investigative Project on Terrorism website is in its third year and it is time to tweak the model.

As you can see, the home page is a much more streamlined and dynamic place now, with greater profile for our featured stories and our blog.

Hover your cursor over the "Research Center" and "News" tabs to find past stories, our archive of documents, reports and court papers from terrorism related cases in addition to audio and video cuts of radical activities within the United States. Our goal is to make the information more accessible for people seeking information about groups and people tied to radical Islamist activity.

For frequent visitors, some of the changes might take some getting used to – any design change does. We invite you to hop around the site and let us know what you like about the re-design and what you don't.

Thank you for your ongoing support and for reading our site. Enjoy the new design, and please let us know what you think by filling out the comment template below.
