Terror Should Be Condemned

An apparent pipe bomb attack took place against a mosque Monday in Jacksonville, Florida and the FBI and local police authorities continue to investigate. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has offered a $5000 reward leading to the arrest of the perpetrator(s).

Readers know CAIR is an organization we do not trust. We just posted an example why. But when circumstances demand fairness and truth, we stand by those principles. CAIR claims this attack on the mosque has received little media attention outside Florida. It may have a point. Most of the media coverage of this event does appear to be focused in Florida.

Fortunately, little damage and no injuries resulted from the attack and that may explain the lack of national media coverage. Nonetheless, any attack or attempted attack against any house of worship is despicable. The use of an explosive device in such an attack is terrorism and should be vigorously investigated and prosecuted as such.

The IPT condemns this attack and hopes the perpetrator or perpetrators are quickly caught and brought to justice. Anyone with any information concerning this heinous act should contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

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