Pistole Nominated to Head TSA

This week, the White House announced the nomination of John Pistole to head the Transportation Security Administration.

After 16 months without an administrator, Pistole's nomination marks the third attempt by the Obama administration to fill the top position at the TSA. In making the announcement, President Obama explained:

"The talent and knowledge John has acquired in more than two decades of service with the FBI will make him a valuable asset to our administration's efforts to strengthen the security and screening measures at our airports. I am grateful that he has agreed to take on this important role, and I look forward to working with him in the weeks and months ahead."

Pistole has had a long and distinguished career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation which began in 1983. After almost two decades as a field agent and supervisor, he was brought into the Counterterrorism Division after the September 11 attacks. Since then, he has served in a variety of leadership positions, culminating in his current assignment as Deputy Director of the FBI.

A date for confirmation hearings has not yet been set, but Pistole is expected to be confirmed, having had a long and distinguished career in law enforcement.

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