Lebanese Flotilla Organizer Wants Jews Deported to Europe

Yasser Qashlaq, a leading organizer of the Lebanese aid flotilla about to set sail for Gaza, wants to return "the dregs of European garbage" from Israel to Europe.

"Whenever that criminal gang of Israeli pirates seizes a ship, I become more optimistic that the day will come when these ships will carry these dregs of European garbage back to their own countries," Qashlaq told the Hizballah television station Al-Manar in video translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). "Let Gilad Shalit return to Paris. Let those murderers return to Poland. Once they are back there, we will hunt them down to the end of the world, and prosecute them for their massacres, from Deir Yassin to this day."

Then Qashlaq, a Palestinian businessman, said he would like to talk to the "Israeli people."

"To the settlers," the moderator interjected.

"Yes, to that gang of criminal murderers," Qashlaq replied. "Board the ship we are sending you, and return to your countries. Don't be misled by the Arab leaders or the moderate camp. You will never be able to make peace with us. Our children will return [to Palestine]. There is no reason for coexistence. Even if some of our leaders or regimes sign [peace] with you – we will never sign. Do not be misled by these regimes. Return to your countries."

As Qashlaq spoke, his fellow Al-Manar panelists could be heard chuckling with satisfaction.

Qashlaq has denied any connection to Hamas, Hizballah, or Iran. But he is reported to have written a fawning letter last summer praising Hizballah boss Hassan Nasrallah. Qashlaq told Nasrallah "that you have vowed not to leave us alone and kept this promise. You dedicated your life, and still do, to the protection of our business which is also yours."

"In the name of the Palestinian people…we stress that we are taking the path of resistance," Qashlaq added. "We ask Allah to extend your life and the lives of all who support Palestine and the noble resistance."

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