Canadian Jihadist Charged With Promoting Genocide

Ontario Provincial Police announced Thursday that they have charged a local resident with promoting genocide - the first time such charges have been filed in Canada. Salman Hossain, 25, a native of Bangladesh who had been living in Canada until recently, was the subject of an investigation into Internet postings in which he allegedly called on fellow Muslims to "exterminate" Canadian Jews.

Hossain was charged with five counts of violating the Canadian Criminal Code – three counts of "willfully promot[ing] hatred against an identifiable group" and two counts of "Advocat[ing] or promot[ing] genocide against an identifiable group."

In writings that appeared on online chat forums, Hossain claimed the Holocaust was fictional and asked: "When do I get to shoot a few Jews down…"

Hossain once wrote: "Here's what I suggest we do…just throw out the Jews (by religion or blood) out of the instruments of mainstream media, finance/banking, government/politics, and the intelligence/secret services."

"That's how the Muslims have done it in the past, especially when they were in power and glorious. Leave behind the token Jew here and there just to appear non-discriminatory," Hossain wrote. "Then send the Jews packing on a different ship to their own territory or maybe the South Pole to live with the penguins. Do this before they claim we gonna do another 'holocaust.' There's no Jew better than an exile Jew."

The announcement came nine months after the Ontario attorney-general said the Crown would not file charges because Hossain had entered a rehabilitation program to change his behavior. But if anything, Hossain's broadsides became more extreme since then, including calls for the "mass extermination" of Canadian Jews.

"Yes, I am a fanatic," Hossain wrote recently. "I am ready to kill millions." Last week, he wrote: "We must never cease in our efforts to eliminate the Jewish people from the face of the earth. Their liquidation and destruction is the only solution."

Authorities say Hossain also cheered the killings of Canadian troops in Afghanistan and called for terrorist attacks in Canada. The National Post newspaper reported that after several suspects were arrested for allegedly plotting to attack a German military base, Hossain suggested that Canadian facilities should be targeted.

"We should do that here in Canada as well," he wrote. "Kill as many Western soldiers as well so that they think twice before entering foreign countries on behalf of their Jew masters….if there were any planned attacks against Canadian/American soldiers by 'Muslim militants' on Canadian soil, I'd support it."

Hossain allegedly continued that Western countries deserved terrorist attacks like 9/11 and the July 7, 2005 subway bombings in London, "cause then they have fear and respect of Muslims."

Hossain appeared to enjoy taunting police in his online writings. "You can't charge me for possessing a thought," he wrote, stating that he "honestly got a kick out of pissing off the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police]…HAHAHA."

Despite the ugly, inflammatory nature of his writings, police announced June 29 that they would not prosecute Hossain for his call to kill soldiers.

Hossain, who is thought to be traveling in South Asia, has not indicated whether he will return to Canada to face charges. On May 21, his "official spokesman" told a reporter to stop "harassment" of Hossain, "because he's not the only one calling for your execution you rat faced [sic] scumbag….Every last Jew on planet earth needs [sic] executed IMMEDIATELY…"

Read more about the case here.

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