GZM "Truther" Sought Spitzer 9/11 Grand Jury

We reported Monday that Faiz Khan, a close associate of Ground Zero mosque developer Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, was a leader in the 9/11 "truther" movement. That movement denies the 9/11 terror attacks were planned and conducted by al-Qaeda but rather were part of a conspiracy committed as an "inside job" by rogue elements of the U.S. government. Any Muslim terrorists involved were mere patsies and scapegoats.

In addition to essays and speeches posturing his 9/11 "truth," Khan led a petition drive in November 2004 called "Justice for 9/11" seeking to have then-New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer convene an independent grand jury investigation into the 9/11 attacks based upon a "citizen's complaint and petition." Faiz Khan was the lead electronic signature on the complaint/petition. The complaint/petition links to various truther documents in support of the petition, citing their belief the U.S. government was behind the attacks and citing various persons who support their position, including celebrities and "notables" such as Ed Asner and former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

There is no indication that the complaint resulted in any action.

Khan claims to have left the "truther" movement but continues to harbor its sentiments even while he led prayers at the site of the proposed Ground Zero mosque as late as this past December. The 2004 petition is another indicator of the depth of those sentiments.

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