MB Publication Shifts Incitement Toward U.S.

Incitement of violence against Israel in the Muslim Brotherhood's London-based weekly publication, Risala al-Ikhwan is nothing new. It has also expressed varying degrees of anti-U.S. sentiment since at least 2003. However, until recently the publication avoided inciting violence against the U.S, according to a report published by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

"The resistance [al-muqawamah, i.e., terrorism and violence] is the only solution in view of Zionist-American arrogance and cruelty, it is sufficient that the Arab and Muslim nations all stand behind the resistance, help it and support it," the report quotes from the September 30, 2010 issue of Risala al-Ikhwan.

The same issue includes a letter by Mohamed Badi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, lauding the armed resistance to the U.S. presence in Iraq and Afghanistan and calling for resistance as the only solution to the "Zionist-American tyranny." The issue goes on to blame the U.S. and Zionists for the problems in the Arab and Islamic countries and thereby calls the U.S. an enemy of Islam.

The issue also lays out a course of action for its readers:

"They [Muslims] have to understand that the reform and change the [Islamic] nation seeks can only be acquired by the jihad and sacrifice and the rise of a generation of jihad warriors who concentrate on death the way the enemies [of Islam] concentrate on life."

One of the articles claims that the U.S. has been defeated by the will of the people who resisted the U.S. in Iraq. It lays the foundation for the claim that the will of the people directed against the U.S. can overcome the U.S. not only in Iraq, but also on all fronts in the Arab world.

The September 3, 2010 issue tells readers that, "now more than ever, the resistance is called on to step up attacks on the occupiers, unite its forces, and make the liberation of Iraq from its occupiers and enemies its top priority."

The publication, Risala al-Ikhwan, is circulated through the Muslim Brotherhood Information Center in London and is posted to the Muslim Brotherhood's main website.

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