Issa Nakhleh, IAP

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Issa Nakhleh, of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine in New York City and a former advisor to the delegation of Arab states of the United Nations, promulgates anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at a Chicago conference of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas support group in November of 1999.


Nakhleh: My Sisters and Brothers, I am going to address you tonight about the Zionist conspiracy to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa, Al Kupa Til Sakrah, wa Haram Al Sharif and to build a Jewish Temple. Now what the Jews are doing every month, everyday they make resolutions, all rabbis in the United States in England, and in Israel, they make meetings, conferences and they declare that they have to destroy Al Masjid Al Aqsa and build the Temple."
