Jordan Bans Teaching about Holocaust

Jordan authorities banned a text book on the Holocaust from a Jordanian private school, while Jordanian deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Dr. Khalid Karaki ordered the establishment of a commission of inquiry that will "examine and write a report about the implications of the incident." Ynetnews, the English language site of Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot, reported that the "sensational affair" had been uncovered by local newspaper Al-Dustour and had stirred anger in the largely Palestinian kingdom.

Jordan's Education Ministry issued an official statement stating that it "prohibits the inclusion of additional study materials, unless they have received an official approval. The ministry will look into other schools that have used similar materials, and has instructed the school to stop using the textbook." The statement also warned that it will take additional measures against schools that do not comply with the ban on teaching the Holocaust.

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