Galloway Thanks Hizballah for Lebanese Tour

Viva Palestina's leader George Galloway lauded Hizballah in a speech delivered last summer in Lebanon, The Propagandist online magazine reported.

"You know the Hizballah are special people. I've been involved in the Arab world for 35 years exactly. And I can tell you, with all respect to all others, Hizballah are a special Arab organization," Galloway told a room full of students attending Viva Palestina Arabia's "Summer University of Palestine" on July, 28, 2010.

That day, Galloway mentioned, students of the Summer University attended Hizballah's museum, the Khiam prison, as well as Fatima's Gate, a former border crossing between Lebanon and Israel. The visits were made possible with the help of the terrorist organization Hizballah.

"I thank from the bottom of my heart our friends in Hizballah for everything they have done for us today, but more importantly, for everything that they have done to show that with the will, with the courage, and with the leadership, victory can be ours. Victory can be ours. Victory can be ours," Galloway told the students and others in the audience at a restaurant in Lebanon.

Viva Palestina Arabia is a branch of Viva Palestina (VP), an organization which has delivered millions of dollars to the Hamas regime in Gaza during its four land convoys to the region. The branch, based in Lebanon, ran its first Summer University of Palestine from July 25, 2010 through August 1, 2010 at the International University of Lebanon in Bekaa Valley. Speakers at the University included Galloway; Hizballah supporter Normal Finkelstein; Viva Palestina leader and Hamas supporter Yvonne Ridley, Azzam Tamimi, an advocate of Hamas, Hizballah and Islamic Jihad; as well as activists from the IHH Mavi Marmara ship.

Viva Palestina Arabia plans to host a Winter University of Palestine this month in Jordan, as well as another Summer University of Palestine in Lebanon in July.

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