Student Extremist Bites FBI Agents

A Penn State student charged with biting two FBI agents who arrested him Tuesday, has posted pro-jihad songs and statements online. Emerson Begolly, 21, was carrying a loaded gun with the safety off when agents approached him in connection with an unspecified investigation.

Begolly's posts included songs in praise of Osama bin Laden and calling for violent attacks. In one song posted to the Shumukh al-Islam jihadi website under his alias Asadullah Alshishani, he salutes Swedish suicide Bomber Taimour Abdaly and calls for murdering Western targets. "I am not afraid to die, Grab my gun and my ammo… I am soldier and we are at war, Grab my gun and my ammo," Begolly said. "Blow their heads right off their shoulders… Martyrdom is what I wanted best."

In a song posted to YouTube, Begolly calls Osama bin Laden the Amir of the Ansaar, or leader of the vanguard. "You fight AmeriKKKa and terrorize the Jews, You slay the murtadeen (apostates) and blow up the Hindus," the song states. "They call us 'terrorists' and terrorists we are! Allah commands us to terrorize the kuffar [disbelievers]."

In December 2009, he posted a poem called "A Tribute to Self-Sacrificing Mujahideen" on the website. "O my dear brothers who have joined the caravans, my deepest love and affection," Begolly wrote. "Asadullah Alshishani [Begolly's alias] is but a shadow in your light, a writer of poetry. But I desire to be a martyr."

According to his MySpace account, Begolly also went by the alias Gaot Lee on the defunct jihadi website The MySpace page and other internet postings show an interest in Nazi memorabilia alongside Arab and Muslim causes. In one photograph on his MySpace page, Begolly is dressed in a Nazi officer's uniform, while another pictures him at a rally holding a Palestinian flag at a rally.

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