Galloway Endorses an Islamic Revolution in Egypt

Former British MP and Viva Palestina leader George Galloway slammed the United States, Britain and President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday in a fiery speech he delivered at a Stop the War Coalition meeting in support of the Egyptian revolution in London.

"Mubarak is not a person without status, he has a status. And that status is murderer, torturer, dictator and he should be on trial," Galloway told a cheering crowd.

Galloway insisted that "we have no need to be going around saying that this is not a Muslim revolution," because "a very significant number of the population of Egypt support the Islamic Movement of Egypt and that Movement has no need to hide itself under a bushel."

Galloway offered advice to Egyptian protestors:

"This revolution must go forward to victory, or it will go back to defeat. And if it goes back to defeat, all these dictatorships who starve their people, who prostitute their countries in the interests of America and Israel and Britain and other imperialist countries will breathe a sigh of relief."

"But if that revolution goes forward," he continued, "the gates of Rafah will come down. The siege on Gaza will be over. The Palestinian national movement will be able to be reunited instead of being divided. And the hand of the Palestinian people under siege and occupation will be immeasurably strengthened by an Arab Egypt, a patriotic Egypt, a nationalist Egypt once again."

Given his support for Hamas and Hizballah, it's no surprise that Galloway advocates an Islamic revolution in Egypt. Galloway was declared persona non grata by the Egyptian military in January, 2010, barring him from entering the country again. Accused of being a national security threat, Galloway was refused entry into the country during Viva Palestina's fourth land convoy to Gaza.

Related Topics: IPT News, George Galloway, Egypt, Viva Palestina
