Fatah al-Islam Invades Europe

As we reported in December, the Lebanon-based Palestinian terror organization Fatah al-Islam (FAI) was believed to have infiltrated Europe after as many as two dozen of its jihadist members eluded Lebanese security forces and made their way to the European continent. Fatah al-Islam (FAI) is a radical Sunni extremist organization with ties to al-Qaida. FAI was formed in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and battled the Lebanese Army in 2007.

AFP and the Lebanese news site Naharnet have reported that Greek police arrested a Palestinian member of FAI in Athens. The suspect was identified as Ghaleb Taleb, who allegedly "secretly" arrived in Greece several months ago and was planning attacks in Europe.

The report also identified another alleged FAI suspect, Mohammed Musa, who has been in Greek police custody for several months. Both Taleb and Musa are expected to be deported from Greece, though it is not clear if they will be sent to Lebanon or the Palestinian territories.

This latest report adds confirmation to the intelligence threat indicating the Palestinian terrorist threat to Europe is ongoing and real. Earlier reports indicated these FAI jihadists had access to money and false documents, allowing them access into Europe. If such terrorists obtain useable bogus European travel documents, they could become a more direct threat to the United States.

Related Topics: IPT News, Fatah al-Islam, al-Qaida
