Report: Hizballah Provides Mercenaries for Iran

Iranian authorities brought approximately 1,500 Hizballah fighters from Lebanon to Iran to suppress opposition movements, according to a report originally published in the London-based Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on Monday.

Members of the Iranian-proxy terrorist organization have been stationed in the streets of Tehran, dressed in civilian clothing.

Iranian authorities warned on Saturday that any illegal gatherings by opposition movements would be confronted.

On Monday, Iranian security forces arrested the son of opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi, according to a Tuesday report on Karroubi's website "Security forces entered Ali Karroubi's house last night and arrested him. So far there are no reports on Ali Karroubi's fate," the website says.

At least two people were killed, dozens were wounded and over a hundred protesters were arrested last week in clashes between security forces and opposition activists during a rally in Tehran. The rallies in downtown Tehran on February 14th included several thousand demonstrators and were one of the largest in more than a year.

Related Topics: IPT News, Hizballah, Iran
