MB Wants Satellite Channel; Cleric Wants Nation

Egyptian cleric Muhammad Zoghbi called for the resignation of government-appointed sheikhs and the subordination of the government to the nation's largest religious institute, al-Azhar, in clip aired on Egypt's Azhari TV on Feb. 15. The Muslim Brotherhood also recently announced that it is studying the possibility of launching its own satellite station, in addition to greatly expanding its written media.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute, cleric Muhammad Zoghbi called for Al-Azhar's leader and the government's religious minister to resign, so that "with the Quran in our hand, we may storm all the land."

"The liberation of Al-Azhar is even better than the liberation of Egypt, because while Egypt is the mother of the Arab region, Al-Azhar is the mother of all the Muslims on planet Earth," Zoghbi said of the influential Sunni institute. "If Al-Azhar gets back on its feet, the entire nation will be back on its feet, and if Al-Azhar is back on track, the entire nation will be back on track. The president of Egypt must be subordinate to Al-Azhar and respect it."

Leading MB member Essam al-Arian told Egyptian newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm that "the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is currently studying the possibility of establishing a satellite television station and a number of newspapers and magazines."

"Freedom of access to information is key to keeping up with the evolution of international media," al-Arian told Al-Masry Al-Youm, adding that Egyptians "are fed up with biased media."

"Soon we will begin publishing a monthly magazine called 'Al-Daawa,' in addition to a weekly newspaper," he added.

The head of the MB's media committee, Assem Shalabi, spoke of establishing daily, weekly, and monthly publications. "We're expecting amendments to Egypt's press laws that will facilitate the publication of new newspapers," said Shalabi. "This is why we are seeking to issue different publications."

Related Topics: IPT News, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Azhar
