New Islamist Group Wants "Sharia 4 America"

Shariah 4 America, a new fringe American Islamist group, advocates converting the White House into the White Mosque and changing the Statue of Liberty to a giant minaret. The group promotes the destruction of all non-Muslim political systems and will be promises its first rally outside the White House on Thursday, supposedly alongside British extremist Anjem Choudary. The date of the rally commemorates the anniversary of the collapse of the last Islamic caliphate and will launch the new group's campaign to revive the Islamic political system, starting in America.

"Have you ever wondered what America would look like under Shari'ah? The ongoing campaign to bring the US and indeed the entire world under the authority of Islam has compelled sincere Muslims to draw up realistic plans for changes that are likely to occur once all obstacles in the way of implementing the Shari'ah are removed," the group's website says. "With the absence of the Shari'ah worldwide, mosques are unfortunately a far cry from their glorious past, and hence the conversion of the White House into one will undoubtedly help restore the iconic status that this building has in the Shari'ah."

The founding of Shariah 4 America formalizes growing ties between American and British Islamists. American-run group Revolution Muslim, now known as Islam Policy, became infamous for its calls to violence and imposing Islamic law. English Islamists used the Revolution Muslim site to call for the murder of British Members of Parliament. Other terror plotters, including Colleen LaRose – aka Jihad Jane –and RM leader Zachary Chesser, have been leaders or participated in the group.

The Islamic Thinker's Society, another American group with members indicted or involved in terrorism, actively calls for Shariah law and is taking part in Shariah 4 America's rally. Shariah 4 America's rally is the first step in educating American Islamists "to take lessons from their Muslim brothers and sisters in North Africa and the Middle East and rise to implement the Sharia in America."

Shariah 4 America's motto is "Communism is dead. Capitalism is dying. Islam is the Solution." Other unusual goals it advocates include replacing the UN with an international Shariah court, and using the Washington Monument to be used to impale pedophiles. The group has even drawn up plans for what America will look like 24 hours after it has taken power, including the destruction of the Western financial system, the joining of all Muslim countries into one super-state, and the elimination of hostile nations like Israel and Britain.

The group tells its followers to ignore Western laws that do not conform to Shariah law and has ties to violent British preachers like Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri Muhammad. Choudary was a founding member and leader of previous UK Islamist groups, and was also the spokesman for the now banned group Islam4UK or Al-Muhajiroun. He has been widely criticized for his advocating the imposition of Islamic law on Britain and justifying the 9/11 attacks and Britain's 7/7 bombings. Muhammad was sentenced to life in a Lebanese military court last year, but was released pending a retrial. His calls for violence led British authorities to revoke his citizenship in that country, effectively exiling him to Lebanon.

Related Topics: IPT News, Revolution Muslim, Jihad Jane, Zachary Chesser, sharia
