Locker interviewed on WUSA9 on King Hearings

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WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- American Muslim leaders gathered Wednesday to condemn hearings by Rep. Peter King (R-NY). The congressman wants to explore what he calls the radicalization of American Muslims.

"We need to be treated as partners not suspects," said Alejandro Beutel of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

"The proposed hearings essentially cast doubt on an entire community," said Naeem Baig of the Islamic Circle of North America.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism published Wednesday the results of its investigation of terrorism prosecutions between September 11, 2001 and last March.

"If you look at the Justice Department statistics, which we have recently, you would see that the vast majority of successful terrorism prosecutions have involved people who have come from a radical Islamist perspective, so there is obviously some fire where there is smoke, and I think that merits further investigation," said project director Ray Locker.

"I have said over and over again that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good Americans, but the threat is coming from within that community," said King.

Related Topics: Ray Locker
