Emerson on Fox News discussing Durbin's relationship with Radical Islamic Groups

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BRETT BAIER: Democrats are holding hearings on Islamophobia as a counter to Congressman Peter King's hearings on radical Islam. But something has recently surfaced that might have a major impact on how those hearings are viewed. David Miller has the story.

DAVID MILLER: One day before Senator Dick Durbin is slated to chair a subcommittee hearing aimed at protecting the civil right of American Muslims, a controversial picture surfaced that critics say undermines the hearing. The photo which was posted on a website belonging to a group called The Mosque Foundation shows the Illinois democrat attending a meeting with some mosque leaders. According to IPT, The Investigative Project on Terrorism, at least two people who met with the Senator had ties to terrorist groups.

STEVE EMERSON: The picture says 1,000 words. This was taken just several weeks ago and it reflects the fact that a U.S. Senator is conferring legitimacy upon some of the most extremist supporters of terrorism in the United States.

MILLER: Pictured With Senator Durbin is Jamal Saeed, an unindicted conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case that led to criminal convictions. Saeed also reportedly raised money 11 years ago at an Islamic conference by asking for donations in name of a suicide bomber. More recently, he told a gathering of Muslim leaders in 2009, "We need to raise our children to know the martyrs of Gaza." Also in the photo is another unindicted terror trial coconspirator, named Keefa Mustapha. According to IPT Mustapha serves as an Imam for the Bridgeview Illinois Mosque Foundation. Last year, days after becoming Illinois' first state police chaplain, his appointment was revoked after ties to terror groups became public. According to IPT, the Mosque Foundation has a long history of ties to terror organizations, even sponsoring a rally for a Mosque operative arresting in Israel. As for Senator Durbin, he offers no apologies for visiting the Mosque Foundation. A statement from his spokesman says that many other Illinois officials have also met with the same individuals. The statement goes on to say people who would deny fundamental rights to Muslim are trying to discredit tomorrow's hearing with "baseless smears and innuendo."
