Indicted Terror Supporter Still Broadcasts Online Violence

An American recently indicted on charges of threatening the "South Park" producers continues to run an extremist website. Jesse Curtis Morton, aka Younus Abdullah Muhammad, is believed to be in Morocco where he runs a pro-al-Qaida site, the successor site to Revolution Muslim.

"The case is an example of intimidation, forcing silence, while the US goes on killing millions of Muslims and defaming the sacred tenets and people of the true religion," Muhammad says. "The real reason for this indictment has much more to do with economic work that has been going on behind the scenes of islampolicy and that would potentially push the the [sic] Muslim world toward true sovereignty."

Despite Muhammad's claim that he "seeks dialogue" to clarify the "Gestapo like" terrorism charges against him, he and his website still openly advocate violence. The group broadcast statements by Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and other terrorists, some of which were published under Muhammad's administrator account.

Muhammad has also falsely claimed that, "In no, way, shape, or form has Revolution Muslim ever called for attacks against civilians. What we do call for is anti-war activism and opposition to empire in the West with support for those physically, even violently, resisting the empire abroad." However, Revolution Muslim was shut down following the posting of detailed threats against British MPs who voted for the Iraq War. also proudly posted an IPT story, showing Muhammad quoting from Osama bin Laden's "Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places."

"O Muslims, there is no honor, there is no dignity, there is no victory, unless Islam is a complete system established," Muhammad said as well, calling for the violent establishment of a new Caliphate. "We do not believe in mass protest movements. We do not believe in each one teach one as the way forward. We believe that when a sufficient amount of Muslims have might to take all the powers that be, they go out and march forth in the way of Allah."

Related Topics: IPT News, Jesse Curtis Morton, South Park, Revolution Muslim
