AQAP Lays Out Mission

"The time has come for the Ummah to listen to the words of the Mujahideen fi sabeel Allah," al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)explained in a recently translated document, which laid out the organization's basic objectives. "The forces of global unbelief, led by the protector of the Cross, America, have pounced on the Muslims and allied themselves in a global campaign against terrorism."

"They plotted and executed and continue to execute all that they can in their war against Islam and the Muslims. This matter does not need to be proven, because it is seen and felt by the people in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere among the countries of Islam," claims the document "Who are the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula?"

It is the fifth segment of the group's Da'wah series, an attempt to explain and propagate AQAP's perspective on Islam and jihad.

The group lays out nine goals the mujahideen, or fighters, are trying to achieve: the expulsion of Jews and Christians from the entire Arabian Peninsula; the liberation of the land, sea, and air above Muslim countries, as well as the defense of their honor and wealth; supporting Muslims everywhere through military means; freeing all Muslim prisoners everywhere; restoring the Holy Places of Islam to the rule of Muslims; evenly dividing the wealth of Muslims and the richness of resources in their lands; uniting the Muslims in a "brotherhood of faith;" forming the legendary army of Aden-Abyan, which will bring the Muslim victory; and, winning "the pleasure of Allah" and paradise.

The document also calls on all Muslims to aid them in a wide variety of ways. These include: encouraging others to take up jihad; defending the mujahideen and concealing their secrets; informing them about spies and threats; collecting donations and tithes on their behalf; taking care of the mujahideen's families; refraining from aiding non-Muslim states by paying taxes and customs; raising children for jihad; following the news of the mujahideen and spreading jihadi media; and boycotting Jewish and American goods.

"Do not ask, 'where do we begin?" the document states. "You are the beginning! You are the good seed! You are the hope of the nation; the solution, the candle that shall illuminate the darkness! You are the exemplary man! So do not say, 'Where do we begin?' Say, 'I will begin!"

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