CAIR Official Hypes American "Islamophobia" on Iranian Television

The Iranian government is pursuing nuclear weapons, helping Syria brutally suppress anti-government uprisings and is "the most active" sponsor of terrorist groups throughout the world. And, of course, it considers the United States to be the Great Satan and a bitter enemy.

Yet American Islamists seem to have no hesitancy taking to Iran's state-sponsored English-language media arm to bash America as inherently hostile toward Muslims. The latest to do so is Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) national spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, who appeared June 4 to argue anti-Muslim sentiment is raging in America.

"It's really a disturbing situation where, primarily right-wing extremists are exploiting and promoting anti-Muslim sentiment for their own political gain," Hooper said. "And I think we're going to see more and more of it leading up to the 2012 elections."

Last month, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney went on PressTV to blast American and NATO operations in Libya, actions that came at the Arab League's request.

Regardless of one's views on debates over Sharia law or opposition to mosque construction, it's difficult to understand what CAIR hopes to accomplish by making its case on a broadcast outlet controlled by a hostile government.

"Respectable American journalists do not go onto the state-run TV station of a hostile and murderous totalitarian police state to denounce their domestic political opponents," journalist Michael Totten recently wrote of another reporter. The same can be said of political advocacy groups and their mouthpieces.

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