Taliban Attacks InterContinental Hotel in Kabul, 10 Reported Killed

At least six Taliban suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the InterContinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan Tuesday night. Early reports said Afghan police exchanged gunfire with assailants inside the five-story hotel, where many journalists and foreign diplomats stay while visiting the Afghan capital. Some reports said that at least 10 people were killed in the attack, which the Taliban claimed responsibility for.

"Our [fighters] entered the hotel, and they've gone through several stories of the building and they are breaking into each room and they are targeting the 300 Afghans and foreigners who are staying," said Taliban spokesman Zahibullah Mujahid, who claimed the attackers killed or wounded at least 50 people.

Jihadist groups have made attacks in Kabul a top priority. In February, a suicide bomber attacked the Safi Landmark Hotel , killing two people and wounding two others. On June 18, a suicide squad attacked a Kabul police station, killing nine people.

Related Topics: IPT News, Taliban, Afghanistan, InterContinental Hotel
