Brit Jailed for Advocating Attacks on Parliament Members

A British Islamist who called for attacks against members of his nation's parliament has been jailed for 12 years, according to the Washington Post. Bilal Zaheer Ahmed's threat prompted the shut down of Revolution Muslim (RM)'s website, which was linked to numerous terrorist plots in America and Britain.

Ahmed's threat listed the names of Members of Parliament who had voted for the Iraq war, and urged other Islamists to carry out attacks on the politicians during open meetings with the public. His post also suggested that plotters follow the plan of Roshonara Choudhry, a young woman who had carried out the model of attack he suggested. He also linked to religious texts that inspired her to carry out jihad and saluted her efforts by saying, "We ask Allah to keep her safe and secure, to hasten her release and to reward this heroine immensely."

Revolution Muslim, a small Internet group that regularly engaged street proselytizing, was linked to numerous terrorist plots. Former RM leader Zachary Chesser pled guilty to providing material support to al-Shabaab, and for making threats on the lives of "South Park" producers who drew the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Colleen LaRose, Bryant Neal Vinas, Tarek Mehanna and Daniel Maldonado are among several other terrorists linked to the site. Even Samir Khan, an American media specialist working with al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula, was tied to the group.

Following the decline of Revolution Muslim, the group's then leader Younus Abdullah Muhammad formed another website called Islam Policy. From Morocco, Muhammad continued the group's violent rhetoric and gave online courses in Islamic financing. He was arrested and is awaiting deportation from the country to face trial for his role in the "South Park" threats.

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